Headline News

7-th International Conference “Innovations and Perspectives of Contemporary Education

Durrës, on 24 May, 2024

The Faculty of Education of “Aleksandër Moisiu” University Durrës 🏫, in cooperation with international partners: Constantine – The Philosopher University in Nitra, La Sapienza- Universita Di Roma, Centro di Ricerca Cooperazione con l’Eurasia, il Mediterraneo e l’Africa Sub-sahariana, University of Richmond, Virginia, Università Telematica Pegaso, FLIDH – Luso-Illyrian Foundation for Human Development, Universiteti Mesdhetar is going to organize the 7-th International Conference “Innovations and Perspectives of Contemporary Education” to be hosted in .


Topics of conference sessions: 💡
1. Legitimacy in Education and Educational Institutions Management
2. Digitalization in Education
3. Society, Cultural Diversity and Education
4. Inclusive Education
5. Curriculum and Assessment in Education
6. Contemporary Teaching Methodology
7. Lifelong Learning
8. Albanian Language and Literature as a Dimension of Education
9. Foreign Languages and Education
10. Psychological Aspects in Education
11. Preschool and Primary Education
12. New teachers and the challenges of Education
Conference official languages: Albanian, English 📝
Conference and publication fees: No fee (free access)

Important dates 🗓️

1 March , 2024: Abstract submission deadline (by topic sessions)
28 March, 2024: Conference program for each session
3 May, 2024: The deadline for the submission of the conference papers
24 May, 2024: Conference Day

Send the abstract at conferencefe@uamd.edu.al

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